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The Good Vibes

Scholl Antifungal Shoe Spray Disinfectant 250ml

Scholl Antifungal Shoe Spray Disinfectant 250ml

Regular price Rs 952.00 MUR
Regular price Sale price Rs 952.00 MUR
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Scholl Antifungal Shoe Spray Disinfectant 250ml

Helps to prevent recurrance of fungus in your shoes with continuous use

Kills 99.9% of fungus that causes:
✓Athlete's Foot
✓Fungal Nail

Sholl Antifungal Shoe Spray is a shoe disinfectant for hygienic care of the inside of your shoes. Thanks to its effective formula, it kills 99.9% of fungus that causes athete's foot & fungal nail.


Hold the spray nozzle up right into the inside of the shoe and spray 2 or 3 times. Allow shoes to dry before putting them on.

When you first start to use Scholl Antifungal Shoe Spray, spray the inside of all the shoes you have been wearing recently to disinfect them.
The fungus can survive for months even after your condition has been treated and can be the cause of the condition returning.

Respray shoes every day after use, alongside your treatment for Athlete’s foot or fungal nail.

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